BBCode is a special implementation of HTML. Whether you can actually use BBCode in your posts on the forum is determined by the administrator. In addition, you can disable BBCode on a per post basis via the posting form. BBCode itself is similar in style to HTML: tags are enclosed in square brackets [ and ] rather than < and > and it offers greater control over what and how something is displayed. Depending on the template you are using you may find adding BBCode to your posts is made much easier through a clickable interface above the message area on the posting form. Even with this you may find the following guide useful.
To alter the color or size of your text the following tags can be used. (Keep in mind that how the output appears will depend on the viewers browser and system):
To change your text color, you can specify a known color (ex: red, blue, yellow, etc.), or an hexadecimal color code (ex: #FFFFFF, #000000):
[color=red]Red color (red)[/color] or [color=#FF0000]Red color (#FF0000)[/color]
Result: Red color (red) or Red color (#FF0000)
To change your text size, you must specify the text size in pixel, from 1 (so small you won't see it) to 29 (very huge):
[size=9]SMALL[/size] or [size=24]HUGE[/size]
Result: SMALL or HUGE
To change the font, you must specify a recognized font (ex: Verdana, Arial) if the user hasn't got the font, a default one will be displayed :
[font=Arial]Arial font[/font] or [font=Comic Sans Ms]Comic sans MS font[/font]
Yes, of course you can; for example to get someones attention you may write:
[size=18][color=red][b]LOOK AT ME ![/b][/color][/size]
will give :LOOK AT ME !
Although, we recommend you not to use much text as above ! Remember that it's your task to correctly shut the tags. The following example is incorrect:
There are two ways you can quote text: with a reference or without.
The reference example, to quote a post written by Mr. Blobby, you must enter:
[quote="Mr. Blobby"]The text written by Mr. Blobby must be placed here[/quote]
Result : [quote="Mr. Blobby"]The text wrote by Mr. Blobby must be placed here[/quote] Remember that you must include the quotation marks "" around the name you are quoting -- they are not optional.
The second method allows you to blindly quote something. To use it :
If you want to output a piece of code (HTML or other) or in fact anything that requires a fixed width with a Courier-type font, you must use the following BBCode :
[code]echo "This is some code";[/code]
Result :
echo "This is some code";
This is exactly what we use in this FAQ to show you all the BBCodes you can use.
Result : [url=]Visit ![/url]. You'll notice that the link opens a new window, by this way the user can still browse the forums if he wants to.
Second method, if you want the link to display directly the URL :
Result : [url][/url]
Third method, this forum owns a functionality called 'Magic Links', that will convert automatically an URL into a clickable link, without needing to insert a BBCode tag nor http://. For an example, by typing
in your message, it will be automatically converted into a link : [url=][/url].
The BBCode incorporates a tag for including images in your posts. Two very important things to remember when using this tag are: many users do not appreciate lots of images being shown in posts and second, the image you display must already be available on the Internet (it cannot exist only on your computer, for example, unless you run a webserver!). You can upload for free your images on internet by an image hosting such as [url=][/url]. To display an image, you need to proceed as following :
Result : . You can place an image into a link if you wish (by insuring yourself that the opening and closure tags are correct), for an example :
[justify]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aliquam ac tortor eu dolor mollis malesuada. Nam arcu dui, cursus a, ullamcorper ut, fringilla nec, velit. Duis tempor arcu eu orci. Ut vehicula massa eu est. Sed ac odio. Integer dictum eros. Etiam facilisis sem non lacus. Donec volutpat ligula ac est. Aliquam erat volutpat. Pellentesque justo tellus, porta et, interdum et, consequat sit amet, eros.[/justify]
Résultat :
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aliquam ac tortor eu dolor mollis malesuada. Nam arcu dui, cursus a, ullamcorper ut, fringilla nec, velit. Duis tempor arcu eu orci. Ut vehicula massa eu est. Sed ac odio. Integer dictum eros. Etiam facilisis sem non lacus. Donec volutpat ligula ac est. Aliquam erat volutpat. Pellentesque justo tellus, porta et, interdum et, consequat sit amet, eros.
The BBCode to place a table in a message is identical to the tags used in HTML. To create a table, you need to start by creating a tag 'table' then insert a 'tr' row. This row can contain one or several cells 'td', and a table can contain several 'tr' rows.
For an example, to create a two rows and three columns in a table, type the following:
You can also add styles to in the BBcode 'table'. These are identical to those used for HTML. You can for an exemple add a border to the table above thanks to the 'border' attribute.
Tables need to be used with caution, please pay attention to the tag opening and closure. If an opening or closure error is made, you may not obtain the effect that you want.
Four BBcodes producing effects on your messages are at your disposal. Although, this codes are only compatible under Internet Explorer with a phpBB2 forum.
The first is a vertical mirror effect (Vertical symmetry) on the text :
[flipv]Vertical mirror effect[/flipv]
Result : Vertical mirror effect
The second is a horizontal mirror effect (horizontal symmetry) on the text :
[fliph]horizontal mirror effect[/fliph]
Result : horizontal mirror effect
If you wish a blur effect in your text, you can use this BBcode :